SAVE the DATE! ” Neighbors Helping Neighbors: Seniors at Home in Stockton Springs” 2018 Speakers’ Series presents: “Dying Better By Talking Sooner”.
Eliza Eager, Hospice Volunteers of Waldo County, Sunday, June 10, 1:00 – 3:00 pm.

Janet Eager, Hospice Volunteers of Waldo County
Many doctors encourage their patients of all ages to think about their Health Care Directives and the “what ifs?” if something serious occurs, whether due to accident, age or illness.
Eliza will discuss the forms that are available to help residents understand and convey their wishes about what they would wish to be done in case of any of the above occurring.
A very important part of the process is to be sure your health care directives are discussed with family and doctors, and most important are filed with hospital, doctor and your health care designee.
Eliza will have the latest forms with her to review in detail the choices you can make. The discussion of the forms and various ways to complete will be central to this discussion.
Light refreshments will be served.
Questions? Contact the library at 207-567-4147.
Thanks to the Maine Charity Foundation Fund of the Maine Community Foundation for their support of this 2018 Speakers’ Series.