We are always glad to hear from our patrons and friends. Please let us know what is on your mind.
Send us an email us at stocktonstaff@stocktonsprings.lib.me.us
Our phone number is 207-567-4147. Leave a message on our answering machine when the library is closed and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Or just stop by the library during open hours and talk to us in person.
Please let us know the best way to reach you: include your name, email address, and/or phone number and enough information to help us respond with an answer.
Our mailing address is: SSCL, PO Box 293, Stockton Springs, ME 04981
Our delivery address is 6 Station Street, Stockton Springs, ME 04981
You can also contact us through Facebook (although we don’t look at that as often as we read our email).