Sneak Peek!

Eagle Scout Evan Cottrell has completed the base framing of our new outside deck. He is planning to add decking and built-in benches around the perimeter in the spring after fundraising is completed. Evan will create a “sponsor a bench” fundraising opportunity for donors to have an engraved plaque on the benches. More information coming!

Learn about Guiding Eyes for the Blind and Amazing Guide Dogs

Guiding Eyes for the Blind provides guide dogs to people with vision loss. Guide dogs lead their blind partners everywhere: to work, airports, sporting events, school, shopping malls, theaters, libraries and more. Volunteer puppy raisers train future guide dogs here in Maine. Learn about these extraordinary dogs from Pat Bailey Webber, past Guiding Eyes Regional Manager and long-time puppy raiser; her local puppy raisers; and their future guide dog puppies. Join us at the Stockton Springs Community Library, 6 Station Street, on Sunday, January 19th, at 2 pm. There will be activities for adults and children. The event is free and open to all. 

New monthly activities to start in December

Cookbook Club

If you like to cook or just enjoy reading recipes, join us once a month for our potluck. Our first meeting will be December 20th, 7:00 PM at the Stockton Springs Community Library. Please sign up at the library. For more information contact Jerry Dunn See you then!

Coffee ‘N’ Cards

Drop in for games, coffee, and conversation with this new group. Cards, Scrabble, Chicken Foot or BYOG like chess, checkers, cribbage etc. Our first gathering will be Thursday, December 19th, 9:30 AM at the Stockton Springs Community Library. All are welcome.

For more information, call the library at 207-567-4147.