Stockton Springs Community Library Endowment Fund
SSCL kicked off its first Endowment Fund Drive on November 1, 2013. Stockton Springs Community Library’s patrons and friends have continued to contribute generously and it was announced in the Spring of 2015 that the library had raised enough money to create an endowment fund at the Maine Community Foundation.
“The foundation has an excellent track record of managing funds for nonprofit organizations,” said Pat Curley, director of the library. “This service allows us to focus more on our mission,” Curley said.
The community foundation manages more than 200 nonprofit agency funds of different sizes from across state.
“Maine relies on the critical work done by its nonprofits,” said Meredith Jones, the community foundation’s president and CEO. “Managing their endowments and other long-term funds is one way we can help them to grow and prosper.”
Through its diversified primary investment portfolio, the Maine Community Foundation offers nonprofit organizations access to institutional investment strategies and management normally available only to large investors. The foundation employs multiple professional investment managers with experience in specialized sectors of the investment markets.
Individuals may contribute directly into The Stockton Springs Community Library fund at the Maine Community Foundation. Individuals are also encouraged to consider the library in their estate planning and you may also donate to the Stockton Springs Community Library endowment fund in memory of a loved one.
The Maine Community Foundation has been partnering with donors and nonprofits to build strong communities in Maine since 1983. More information about the community foundation can be found at or by calling 1-877-700-6800.
If you wish to discuss making a donation or bequest directly to the SSCL Endowment Fund, or are interested in knowing more about the library’s plans for the future, please call the library at 207-567-4147 or email us at and one of our Directors or Trustees will be happy to contact you. You may also cal the Maine Community Foundation at (877) 700-6800 or email Laura Young, Vice President Philanthropy.
Bottles for Books
Since its inception, the biggest funding the Library has until now, other than the Town of Stockton Springs donation and various grant application awards, is the Bottles for Books campaign, which raises about $6,000 every year to buy library materials. The Library collects REFUNDABLE bottles and cans in the wagon outside the front door of the Library.

Turning refundable bottles and into books
The refundables are carted weekly by volunteers to the Bucksport Redemption Center and turned into cash to buy books and videos. Donors can also take their refundables directly to the Bucksport Redemption Center and ask for their redemptions be applied to the Stockton Springs Community Library account. Stockton Springs Community LIbrary’s Bottles for Books Drive was recently highlighted in the Natural Resources Council of Maine’s Product Stewardship publication.
Local assistance
We are thankful that Stockton Springs residents have voted each year to give the Library a donation that helps cover some of the library’s operating expenses. The rest of the operating budget and funding for the future comes from community involvement, grant writing, and volunteer fund raising efforts.
With the exception of the part-time Library Director, every person working at the library is an unpaid volunteer, board director and/or trustee. We thank everyone who has donated their time, talents, and money.
Book and Video Donations. At the present time the library is unable to accept any large donations of books or videos. We just don’t have the available space. Usually, donations of new or lightly used books, DVD audiobooks and videos are welcome the last week of May for our annual fundraiser. The Library reserves the right to refuse any book or video that is in poor condition or for any reason. Year-round you can find a few used books and videos in the library entry hall that are available for purchase at a nominal cost.
Annual fundraising. Approximately once a year, usually in November or December, the library sends a letter to library patrons and friends requesting a donation to the library to ensure that the library can continue to serve the community now and in the future. If you haven’t received a form in the mail please contact the library to be added to the mailing list.
If you would like to contribute to the endowment fund, or prefer your donation to offset the library’s current operating expense, please mail your tax-deductible donation to SSCL, PO Box 293, Stockton Springs, ME 04981. Click here to download a SSCL.Donation.Form.
The Library is thankful for all donations, large or small, from our donors. An acknowledgement letter will be sent to you. If for some reason you do not receive an acknowledgement please let us know.
Cash Donation Box. The Library greatly appreciates any cash donation, large or small. We have a donation box, that was made by a volunteer, at the Circulation Desk for your convenience.
Annual FUNDRAISING events include:
Book, Bake, and Plant Sale. First Saturday in June.
Art and Pie sale. Mid-August.
Great Event and Community Yard Sale. Early September.
Stockton Springs Community Library is an independent 501(c)3 organization entirely managed and operated by our dedicated volunteers.