Tai Chi in Stockton Springs

Tai Chi has been fantastic at Stockton Harbor this summer and fall. We had over 20 participants. The healthy practice and camaraderie were appreciated by all. We thank the Town of Stockton Springs for supporting this program.

We will begin our Zoom Tai Chi sessions for the winter on Tuesday, October 26th, meeting all winter via Zoom on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:30 to 11:30 am. We will return to the harbor in the late spring. These Zoom sessions will serve all our members, including year round and summer people.

If you are not already a member of the Stockton Springs Tai Chi group and would like to join please call the library at 207-567-4147 to register.

Tai Chi at Stockton Harbor

Yes! We are going to be practicing tai chi outside at the harbor. This is truly one beautiful place. Please join us. All levels are welcome. There is plenty of level space, and you can social distance as much as you like.

Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:30 to 11 starting Tuesday, June 8. In case of bad weather, we will be meeting at the town hall, lower level.

Pre-registration is required. Contact Stockton Springs Community Library to be added to the email list and receive additional information.

Tai Chi at Stockton Harbor

SSCL needs you!

Volunteers needed at the Circulation Desk

Due to Covid-19 health concerns Stockton Springs Community Library has experienced a decline in the number of volunteers currently able to work during open library hours. To maintain 501(c)3 status, and with it the ability to secure much needed grants, SSCL needs to stay open 18 hours a week. You can help by working as little as one shift a month (shifts are 2 to 3 hours depending on the day). Two volunteers are needed for each shift. Complete training is provided. So are masks and gloves. So here’s your chance to live your secret dream of being a librarian! 

The library also needs volunteers to work in its lovely flower gardens. Even an hour or so once in awhile will help keep the weeds at bay. 

Please contact SSCL at 207-567-4147 or just stop by during open hours and let us know how you are able to help.  Thank you! 

Open library hours are Monday and Wednesday 3-5; Tuesday 4-7; Thursday 9-12 and 6:30-8:30; and Saturday 9-3.  Stockton Springs Community Library is an all volunteer library and membership is free to anyone from any community.