Stockton Springs Community Library Has Hired Sally Stanton as Library Director

Since its founding in 2001, Stockton Springs Community Library (SSCL) has been an all-volunteer organization. For years, the board of directors has had a goal of hiring a part-time Director to work in support of the large number of volunteers. That goal prompted SSCL to start an endowment fund at the Maine Community Foundation. After dedicating proceeds from annual appeal campaigns and many fundraising events to the endowment fund, the income from the fund was enough to begin the search process for a Director. SSCL has now hired Sally Stanton to be the library’s Director.

Sally Stanton is an artist, writer, and librarian with twenty years of experience working in RSU#20 libraries. She holds a B.F.A. from Massachusetts College of Art and Design, and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from the Solstice Program at Lasell University. Her paintings have been exhibited in group and solo shows around New England including the Portland Museum of Art and Waterfall Arts in Belfast. She is a member of the Association of Rural and Small Libraries, The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, and the Union of Maine Visual Artists. She lives in Northport, Maine. 

Carol Fuller, SSCL Board Chair, stated:

“We are delighted to have Sally join us as our new director. She brings with her many skills and talents and has a depth of experience in the library field having worked in RSU 20 for many years. Sally is also creative both as an artist and a writer. Her genuine passion for libraries is very evident. We knew right away that Sally would be a great fit for us. We are so pleased to welcome her to our library and to the community of Stockton Springs.”

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