Stockton Springs Community Library (SSCL) will host its 8th Annual Pie and Art Festival on Saturday, August 21st from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm. This popular fundraising event provides an opportunity to feed your body and soul, offering a variety of homemade pies and fine art from outstanding Maine artists.
Participating artists are Judy Belasco, Mary Braun, Sarah Faragher, Sue Garrett, Bill Landmesser, Scott Moore, Chelsea Porter (aka Binders Keepers), Betty Schopmeyer, Anne Spencer, Dawn Staples-Knox, Jo Swift, Peter Walls, and Anne Marie Welsh.
Following the event, remaining artwork will be displayed in the library’s non-fiction room for “Art in the Stacks.” It will be available for viewing and purchase during the library’s open hours through August 28th. Sale of artwork will benefit both the library and the artists.

SSCL is an all-volunteer community library. For more information call 207-567-4147.